Sky: Children of the Light (Sky CotL or simply just Sky) is an indie mobile game developed and produced by That Game Company. Originally released in 2019, this online social and adventure game is still going strong! It is personally one of my all-time favourite games and one that I play practically every day.

One of the key features of Sky is the social interaction aspect, where you often have to rely on others for help. This can range from opening a door to fighting for your life. While the latter may sound terrifying, it is truly amazing the lengths people will go to help one another. Especially new players.

Friendship is encouraged but a full friends list can be pretty daunting. Because I had a terrible habit of friending anyone for any reason, I’ve found myself with dozens of Sky friends over the 2 years of gameplay. Now, I’ve taken to enjoying the company of others and leaving it at that. Two Sky Kids passing in the night.

Each week I’ll be detailing some of my favourite highlights of game play and interactions I have with other players. I hope you’ll look forward to the warm mushy feeling this game gives me and maybe I’ll see you in Sky!
