Prairie has what is probably my favourite social area. It’s compact but with plenty of space, the wardrobe is easily accessible, there’s a Shared Space right there, and best of all you get a wonderful mix of veterans and new players! It’s certainly my go-to spot when I want to relax with randos and goof around.

I’m certainly privileged as a Sky kid since I have a disposable income, which means I am able to buy IAPs. While I have some vices with the cost of items for what is clearly a game targeted at children/young adults, I do see these purchases as my supporting TGC.

But all that aside, I try to share these items with other players. Sometimes a table spell runs out or someone has to leave, so I take the opportunity to put down one of my tea sets so that the conversation can continue (Ironically, I haven’t upgraded the tree to get the base game table, which has the most seats).

All these reasons are why Prairie is perfect. I’m able to place down multiple tables in the shared space and, well, share it with others! Better yet I can “set and forget” since I don’t need to be physically there in the game for others to use my items.

Moths needing help don’t have to spend a candle to use a chat bench, friends can sit and drink tea, and people can throw tea cups around.

If someone isn’t already sharing a space, I’ll hop up the hill really quick and set it up before continuing whatever it was, I was planning on doing. Typically, I don’t stick around once I share a space there. Yesterday though, a daily quest changed it up a bit.

I went about my usual routine in Prairie. Lit the candles, looked at what other players were doing, and then went up to the shared space shrine. One was sitting down there, most likely customizing their space, while a friend stood on top of them playing a song as they waited. You know, typical Sky things.

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