Dear Moth,

I’m sorry I couldn’t take you through all of Valley when we met. I was only intending to do the missions then go to bed, but your unexpected friendship at Home made me change my mind. It’s difficult to know how far a new player has gone, what Spirits they have, what winged light they need. I wasn’t even sure if you had the gate for Valley unlocked!

Standing by the sapling must have been confusing to you. Thankfully some of my other friends were there so they made passing the time a lot easier.

There was a bit of confusion as we slid down the first slopes but I’m very proud of you for figuring out the follow button! That really helps me a lot.

We collected a few Spirits and WL in the ice rink of Valley when suddenly my Internet cut out. We were separated and the server didn’t merge us together. I just barely missed you as you went into the first race but I caught up! Though I did have to pause again to get a map shrine, those are new to me too.

You beeped and beeped down the slopes and I beeped back as I raced as fast as I could to you. And imagine my surprise when I saw you trying to run back up the hill to get to me! We were reunited, though I know how exciting the races can be. I was content to slide down the slopes alongside you but you took my hand again, so we finished it together.

Little Moth, you continued to surprise me with your gifts of friendship. High five, hug, a heart, you seemed to happy to give them to me. I returned the heart and gave you a very special candle to ascend our friendship. I hope you thought the fist bump was pretty cool.

We got the WL and the spirits in the colosseum, thankfully those were easy. I was very tired by then. When you learned to cheer, I thought you might explode! You cheered and cheered, spamming away at that emote. Were you glad that we’re friends? Had I done a good job in showing you around?

Lighting the fireworks and spamming my own was the best way I could think to celebrate reaching the end. We went into the shrine and gorged ourselves on the wax.

But it was time to go. I needed to sleep so badly and you had a new part of the journey to explore. We hugged, I blew you kisses, and off you went to meet the Twins. I finished my missions and went home. There was one last thing for me to do.

A gift of light isn’t much but slowly over time it can add up to a lot.

Imagine my surprise the next morning when you had sent me a heart. Though it concerned me that you may have continued playing for 4 more hours …. I don’t know how far you got. But I do know one thing. I cannot *wait* to see you grow, little Moth. And I hope that one day you’ll be a well seasoned player. That you’ll be at Home when a little Moth comes up to you. And they will offer you friendship. And that you’ll remember your friend who took you to Valley, when he was very tired, and had to sleep.

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