That moment.

We’re in the kitchen and we watch Casey Becker answer a call from an unknown number only to be asked, “What’s your favourite scary movie?” This along with many other quotes and games from Wes Craven’s 1996 meta marvel scream all linger within the minds of horror fans worldwide. I took it upon myself to ask that fateful question to some of content creators at InfinityCast. My own choice will come at the end so don’t worry… I’ll be right back.

The Witch (2015) (V @ HonestCactus)
The most conventionally scary thing happens pretty early on in the movie. Everything after that is a question of hysteria, superstition, and a lack of trust. It’s a period accurate scary movie about family drama

Ju-on: The Grudge (2002) (Damian)
I remembering watching this when it came out. I don’t scare easily and found scary films to be lackluster and samey. This was the first time I finally saw something that didn’t make sense. Left a lot to the imagination and was generally creepy.

The Japanese perspective for horror was just different and it really did a great job.

Pet Semetary (1989) (Bobby @ BlackPhoenixGaming)
So, I am not really a fan of Scary movies anymore. Haven’t been for quite a while. When I was, I just was because everyone else in my circle was into it. It’s mainly because…. I don’t really have any fear of anything, so nothing really scares me, and when I’m watching a movie, I know it’s a movie, so my brain knows it’s not real. So, this is hard for me, but if I have to say anything when I was a small Child, my father watched Pet Semetary by Stephen King.

Again, Scary movies didn’t do anything for me, But the idea of having a movie where your long-lost Pets came back to life was entertaining to me and brought me hope of my pets returning to life. At of all the scary movies that I saw, it’s the only one that brought me joy cause I got to see the pets bring them Comeuppance to the world. I am 110% on Team Animals over Team Humans.

The Thing (1982) (David @ thisisntmycoat)
Told you not to worry. Lastly and by no means least comes not only my favourite scary movie but my favourite film period. John Carpenter’s 1982 adaptation of John W. Campbell JR’s novel Who Goes there? and a soft remake of the 1951 black and white cult classic creature feature The Thing from Another World. Set in the remote research station U.S. Outpost 31 surrounded by all sides by the inescapable unending void of the Antarctic twelve men must battle to survive against the shape shifting alien entity only ever named the thing.

This movie has everything to make it a perfect 80’s creature feature. You’ve got John Carpenter at top form, Ennio Morricone with a soundtrack that creeps into your ear and just puts you on the edge, an amazing ensemble cast that includes Carpenter stables Kurt Russell and Keith David. The real star of the movie though is the thing itself and its various mutations and forms.

Mostly created and designed by practical SFX legend Rob Bottin while the infamous kennel scene was by Stan Winston and his team. Every version of the thing was a practical affect using puppets, makeup and one very fun use of stop motion. If you aren’t squeamish and crave a good creature feature do try this cult classic.

Thus comes to an end for our Halloween list. Please do let us know if you have any recommendations or favourites.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m away to a secluded abandoned summer camp to drink, experiment with drugs and have pre-marital sex.

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